
“Practical Applications in Managing Patients with CardioRenal Disease: New SGLT-2 Study Data” was a recent symposium produced by Worldwide CardioDiabetes and held in conjunction with the 76th Annual Brazilian Congress of Cardiology in November 2021. It is now available here for open, on-demand access. We encourage you to view the program in order to learn more about the results of recent studies and how to apply this knowledge to your daily practice.

Cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus illustrates the bidirectional link between the heart and the kidneys, with acute or chronic dysfunction of one organ adversely impacting the function of the other. The cardiovascular and renoprotective benefits evidenced with sodium-glucose transporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors make them a potential choice in the management of CRS.

Click here to view the program. After viewing, be sure to access the program evaluations.

Worldwide CardioDiabetes held a virtual symposium during the recent 7th International Conference on Prehypertension, Hypertension, Metabolic Disorders and Cardiovascular Disease and it is now available on demand. “Diabetes and CardioRenal Disease: Can We Reduce the Impact of this Deadly Combination” features presentations by Drs. Andrew Boulton, George Bakris, Martin Rutter, and Philip Home, delving into the important topics of the kidney and cardiovascular risk, treating heart failure, and improving outcomes in diabetes beyond glucose control therapies.

Click here to view the program.