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Upcoming Events
November 21-24 2018
Worldwide Symposium at CMIM
Mérida, México
November 22-25 2018
12th IDF-WPR & 10th AASD
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Click here for more information and to download the application
Continuing Medical Education Initiative
La Universidad de Miami y Worldwide Diabetes le invitan a participar en el curso anual Davidson-Mestman, diseñado para clínicos, y abordando los últimos avances en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades endocrinas y metabólicas.
Para inscribirse en el XX Curso Intensivo Davidson-Mestman, reservar su Hotel a una tarifa especial, u obtener más información de click en el botón inscríbase aquí.
Video Highlights from 2nd Asia Diabetes Conclave
In April 2015, the Worldwide Initiative for Diabetes Education, the Korean Diabetes Society and AstraZeneca partnered to develop a scientific medical education activity in Seoul, Korea entitled “2nd Asia Diabetes Conclave on Effective Diabetes Management: A Patient-Centered Approach.” This two-day program featured a comprehensive mixture of didactic presentations, workshops and debates.
In order to further the reach of this program, we offer you the opportunity to view five key segments of the program. Each features footage of the actual presentation with accompanying audiovisuals and text to maximize viewing and understanding.
For a full listing of the segments and to view them, please click here. In order to further the development of programs of interest, we also encourage you to send comments.
New Focus on Obesity Education
Given the current focus on obesity as a disease and the obligation of professionals to understand its diagnosis and treatment, Worldwide Diabetes is committed to providing educational programs that will advance the knowledge of healthcare professionals of this important disease state.
We invite you to learn more about our initiatives here and to view resources that relate to important topics such as the pathophysiology of obesity, the mechanism of action of therapeutic options, and a clinical review of current and emerging treatments.
Please check back frequently as we continue to post additional resources to support
our educational initiative.
Featured Resources
The Role of the Kidney
New Perspectives on Pathophysiology and treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Hypoglycemia in Diabetes
A limiting factor for optimal control
Insulin Therapy
Examining the limitations and opportunities of insulin therapy