Recorded Program

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Andrew J. M. Boulton MD, DSc, FICP, FACP, FRCP
(Program Chair)

Professor of Medicine, University of Manchester
Consultant Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary
Manchester, England, UK
Visiting Professor of Medicine
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Miami, Florida, USA
Chairman, EURADIA (The European Alliance for Diabetes Research)
President of the Board of Directors
Worldwide Initiative for Diabetes Education

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David Kerr, MB ChB, DM, FRCPE, FRCP

Senior Investigator, Diabetes Research and Digital Health Equity
Sutter Center for Health Systems Research
Sacramento, California, USA
Adjunct Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rice University; Houston, Texas, USA

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Jennifer I. Lim, MD, FARVO

Marion H. Schenk Chair
UIC Distinguished Professor of Ophthalmology
Vice Chair for Diversity & Inclusion
Director of the Retina Service
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, Illinois, USA

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Steven Yeh, MD, FASRS

Professor and Stanley Truhlsen Jr. Chair in Ophthalmology
Vice Chair of Clinical Research
Director, Retina and Uveitis
Truhlsen Eye Institute
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Nebraska Medicine
Omaha, Nebraska, USA

This program is sponsored by the Worldwide Initiative for Diabetes Education and supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Eyenuk, Inc.